
And then comes the snow day. That we dreaded. But because it’s allowing me to sit on the couch with a cup of hot tea and my better half, I digress. Not to mention, there’s not many things more humorous and intriguing than the wonderment of a Southern boy in an ice storm.

We are no longer Mississippians, but Kentuckians. After living in two separate states for two months, we finally both got settled in our new jobs and our brand new, first ever home! So even though it’s Kentucky- the place I never thought I’d live again- I’m happy to be here.

I have finally made the decision to fulfill one of my new year resolutions and sign up for a half marathon. I can’t take all the credit, though- Kelly, one of the reasons I run in the first place- decided we would all participate in one for her bachelorette party. A unique but very exciting and extremely encouraging idea that I can hardly wait for! After the snow cleared last week, I decided to start my training and got in about 2 miles for two days…not a very big dent in the whole 13.1, but it’s a start. And then snowpocalypse hit again…so no more running for me until we can actually see the roads again. At least it’s progress…

Not having blogged in quite some time, the “notes” on my phone and in my email are piling up once again…so without further adieu, here we go:

Have you ever heard a song and not really understood it or had any connection to it, then sometime later- maybe even years later- you hear it again, and all of the sudden you know exactly what it means? I think that’s another one of those subtle God things. He’s reminding us that He knows the plans He has for us long before we can see it.
Earlier this year, my very dear friend, Bobby, introduced me to Jimmy. I was unaware, but apparently Jimmy is the angel that God has put solely in charge of putting songs in your head. Walking through the store humming a song? Thank Jimmy. Mindlessly nodding your head to a beat on your mind? Thank Jimmy. Randomly dancing while you carry out daily tedious chores? Yep, that’s him again. I imagine Jimmy to look like a tiny little Rastafarian (I’d give him 5’2 max with dreads down to his elbows), always wearing sunglasses and spinning beats in the heavens…and how cool that he works for God?! So next time you wake with a strange song in your head that you may not have heard in years, or maybe you don’t even like, take time to listen to it a little closer. It may very well be another one of God’s subtle messages.
And on a side note, Jimmy was playing Christmas music in my head on November 1st this past year. That sneaky little dude sure does love some Christmas!

I have realized that I think more when I drive alone. Not simply because of the “alone time”, but because it’s the only time I can play MY music as loud as I want and sing it as loud as I want without worrying if the neighbors can hear me. Singing gets me on my “frequency” and gives me goose bumps. (Getting goose bumps and highs from small life events is known as your “frequency” because that’s when God can speak to you the easiest. Just like tuning the dial for a radio station.) The dopamine kicks in, just like it does in a perfectly warm shower, and everything is right….and so my brain begins to roll.

Remember me saying I need to be more open minded with my style? Yeah, well, turns out I may need a little help with that. On a recent shopping trip, I found a very unique dress that I thought just might be my ticket to the “stylish yet eclectic” vibe I was pulling for. After fighting for over ten minutes in the dressing room to decide where it should fall on my shoulder and whether or not it was on backwards, I realized that it was four sizes too big. Likely the reason I couldn’t get it to fit “just right.” Oops.

And remember how I constantly look for patterns, especially in my home addresses lining up my future? The last house I lived in before moving to Mississippi was number 524…and Alex (who became a permanent part of my picture shortly after I moved to Mississippi) was born on 5-24. Whoa.

That’s all I got for today. Gotta check on the stew on the stove. Deer stew. Eww. Our freezer is filled with two whole deer anyway-you-can-process-them. And I’ve learned that I am not really a deer meat fan. So I’m trying to be creative. But mostly, I’m just trying to get rid of it.

Cheers to snow days that allow cooking experimenting time for musky deer meat. Hurry up turkey season.

Until next time…

Love always,


“Don’t die before you’re dead.”

fire in your belly

Incase you missed it- here is a must see/hear “Note to Self” from US Rep., John Dingell that stopped me in my tracks when it aired on CBS Morning News one week ago today. Still haven’t been able to get it out of my head…

old hymns

I’ve heard that a child is closer to God because of their innocence and open hearts that have yet to be hardened by the world. For me, I disagree. I once was that child. And I can unfortunately admit that my heart has been hardened by the world. I am not sure if I have made the conscious decision somewhere along the way to listen and look for God in my everyday, or if He was waiting for this time to become more apparent to me, but recently I see Him more and more- even when I’m not looking.

I once was lost, but now am found.

I also read an article last week about the hymn, Great is Thy Faithfulness and how it is a somewhat broad phrase in terms of praise, but can be so personal to each individual. And guess what was on the bulletin to sing in church last Sunday after reading that…yep, I may or may not have soaked up every verse of that powerful song like never before.

Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow.

My newest obsession- besides still giving a good swing at whole holistic lifestyle thing- is reading devotionals about being a Godly wife. Loving him like Jesus does, as Eric Church would call it. And quite frankly, I can’t get through most of them without crying. But I like it. A lot.

This is a short one, but I promise to write again soon of all the latest in my life. Lots of changes lately!! But I want to leave with one thought:

The zest of a lemon is minuscule compared to the whole, but it’s by far the tastiest. I believe the same goes for life. Don’t overlook the small and often unnoticeable things because they are often the best parts of life. They fill it with the unexpected and memorable times. And of course, that’s why they’re called the ZEST of life! (Sorry for the pun, I had to.)

Love always,


“You know it’s a good day when the organist starts to play the hymn and Papa starts to cry. That’s how you know there are familiar angels in the sanctuary, singing through the notes in the old hymns.”