Plain old covers and Walls

You know what I’ve been thinking lately? It really is hard to judge a book by its cover. Some of the best books ever written have dated, simple, solid color covers binding them together. How are we supposed to judge that when there’s not even a picture to depict something that has to do with the plot? Or what about the books that have subtle “symbols” on the cover that you can’t quite understand until after you’ve read the book? Or the one’s whose cover doesn’t at all match what you envisioned in your head while reading the book? Maybe that’s just how society is evolving. Used to, people didn’t need a certain color or picture on the front of a book to convince them to read it. They read out of sheer enjoyment and curiosity. Not that people don’t still do that, but more and more I think we find ourselves literally judging what we want off of reviews from other people’s opinions or simply by the outward appearance that someone else created in their mind. How do you possibly deem that a self-made decision? Two people can look at the exact same object and see two totally different things. I’m not saying that we shouldn’t take other people’s word into consideration, but we do need to start weaning ourselves from the attitudes that are being fed to us by today’s society.

Ok, that intro led me to the meat of my discussion for today: don’t judge a book, don’t judge a person. There’s an old saying that we’ve all heard, “don’t judge another person until you have walked in their shoes.” As I was sitting in the McDonald’s drive-thru last night at 2:00 am, I never realized that to be more true. For example, do you think that the man working the window dreamed of growing up to work the McDonald’s night shift? Probably not. (I can’t honestly say that it would be a bad job, because I’m sure that it can be very entertaining at times to meet all the “forth-mealers” in their nightly endeavors, and if the man truly loves his job, who am I to say he doesn’t? The man could have been a road kill clean-up staff member for all I care, as long as that’s what truly makes him happy.) But the drive-thru window man didn’t look happy at all. Tiredness had overtaken him and he honestly looked a little sad, which initially could have been mistaken for rudeness, and also really put a damper on my Happy Meal.

Some people have tough lives. I don’t know why I was blessed enough to be dealt a good hand (Lord knows I don’t deserve it), but it always makes me think twice about those who didn’t quite get the “luck of the draw.” Some people are able to overcome their struggles and humble themselves, while others never even try to fight the battle because they feel like they have lost before they ever get started.

So when you run into a person that’s mean, dirty, quite, or simply working a job that you wouldn’t have chosen for yourself, remember, you don ‘t know where they’ve been and what they’ve had to endure. Battles and triumphs make us stronger, but they can also cause walls to be put up. When you judge a person without knowing or taking into consideration their story, you are not taking advantage of a life lesson. We can all learn something from each other.

Next time you’re out, take a moment to “people watch.” You’d be amazed at what you can gain from actually getting a glimpse inside someone’s life instead of taking one quick glance and shutting them out.

What have you learned from your neighbors today?

Love always,


“Your neighbor’s vision is as true for him as your own vision is true for you.” -Miguel de Unamuno

I saw God today

Good song. No, great song. I absolutely love George AND this song, so it’s definitely a double threat.

Miracles happen every day, but God doesn’t have to make a miracle to prove that He is right here, every minute of the day. From the little flower poking up through the sidewalk crack, to the warmth of the sun shining on your face- there is an opportunity to see God in every situation.

Where did I see God today? In the wheat field. Wheat is one of my favorite crops no matter what stage it’s in. Whether it’s green or gold, it’s always dancing in the wind and reflecting all the colors of creation. It’s peaceful to watch and makes me feel at home. It also makes me thankful for the harvest that my family is able to produce every year.

If you ever don’t have anything to pray about, then simply say thank you. No matter the situation, there is always something to be thankful and happy about. Be happy that the sun is shining, it could be cloudy. Be thankful for the food on your table, no matter how little, it’s still more than  what some people have. Be thankful for your voice because some people don’t have the freedom to have one. Be thankful for your health- at least you’re alive. And don’t complain about your dwindling bank account because some people don’t have a dime to their name. Be joyful (noted in previous post) that someone, somewhere is being saved by grace. Can I get an AMEN!? Haha! Ok, I’m going to get off my soap box, but don’t stop looking for Him. He’s right there. If you feel distant from Him, who moved? Here are some images of where other people saw God…(click on the pictures to get a bigger view)

I used the picture of Olivia last so that I could expand on it: Everything happens for a reason. Something good can come out of the tragedy in the gulf. Though I don’t know what exactly it is yet, I know that God has a plan for it. He won’t lead us to anything that we can’t overcome with Him, and all struggles only make us stronger. Maybe the blow came to our nation in it’s moment of weakness to show us that we are stonger than we believe and to teach us what really matters.

Here’s one last “I saw God today” picture…

Ok, I just had to post that one because it made me laugh.

Remember to support efforts to help save the gulf. Here’s one way that I think we can all appreciate:

The website tells about a beer created by Abita and for every bottle sold, the company will donate $0.75 to those affected by the oil leak. Props for the clever name: “S.O.S.” (short for Save our Shores). You can be sure that the bottles will be memorable pieces of American history, so drink up! Thank you Abita for making good deeds so much fun! (But remember, drink responsibly!)

Until next time, keep looking for God.

Love always,


“I am a little pencil in the hand of a writing God who is sending a love letter to the world.” -Mother Teresa

feeling alive

First of all, let me make a shout out to Katie and Mamie: thank you for dragging me out of the house for a night of much needed craziness. I get into bad habits of getting off work and going home to do more work because I feel obligated. As stupid as this sounds, I actually told Mamie that I wouldn’t be able to go with them because I needed to mow the yard. Yes the yard needs a trimming, but since my parents have been gone on vacation, I have done nothing but clean house, wash dishes, keep up the laundry, water plants, and feed animals just because I felt like it. What is wrong with me? Obligations are ok until they begin to take over your life. Fortunately I got a “sign”: the mower was out of gas. So instead of falling into my newly developed routine, we loaded up in grannies car and hit the highway. I saw one of the worst movies ever made, ate disappointing custard thanks to the consistency of peanut butter (haha), found some stellar shades at Walgreens (of all places!), and laughed my a** off! Best night in a while.

I also learned some amazing secret agent moves from Cameron Diaz, as well as learning how to be a complete idiot and mess up everything that I possibly can. Thank goodness for Tom Cruise’s super sly self and everything falling into place just in the nick of time- saved the plot! Unfortunately it wasn’t enough to save the movie from being placed on my “never watch again” list.

Here’s another much needed shout out: I am not a Kentuckian and never will be, however, Murray KY will always be close to my heart. But that is not enough to mold me into a UK fan. Blue is not my color (neither is orange, but that’s beside the point), I think the fact that I lived in Wildcat nation during the UK2K absolutely did me in. By the end of last semester, if I had heard one more person talk about UK, I probably would have exploded. Kentucky people love their cats—props to them for that, but I’m not a fan. Nevertheless, I have friends that are die-hards, so this one is for you: congrats to the UK basketball team for making NBA history. That’s all I’m going to say. No need for overkill. Speaking of overkill, please no more John Wall dances for a while, ok? Thanks.

Back to last night. There’s just something about rolling the windows down and singing at the top of your lungs to a CD you found from high school. Even when the CD was over, the radio somehow knew exactly what to play. I was really “feeling” again. We get so caught up in the day to day routines that we forget to do things for ourselves. Sounds cliché but it’s true. Consistency is good to a point, but when you lose yourself, it’s not worth it. Good or bad, you have to feel things–raw emotion to stir your soul, and to remind you that you’re still alive. Bursting out a song that is so relative to your life at the moment while you breathe in the 80 mph summer wind, knowing that your hair will be a tangled mess in 2.5 seconds…complete joy.

And in case you didn’t know, there’s a difference in joy and happiness. Happiness comes from material things and can be taken away. Joy in an internal thing that can’t be taken or given, it must be found. Best part about it: it’s contagious. Last night wasn’t happiness, but joy. So thanks again for the contagiousness.

Well TGIF! I have been looking forward to this weekend since Sunday; it’s going to be a good one. Hope you all have a good weekend as well. Be careful, wear your seatbelts, and don’t drink and drive. And remember, only you can help prevent forest fires. Haha! Now, go out and find your joy, then spread the wealth.

Love always,


“When you’re young, your whole life is about the pursuit of fun. Then, you grow up and learn to be cautious. You could break a bone or a heart. You look before you leap and sometimes you don’t leap at all because there’s not always someone there to catch you. And in life, there’s no safety net. When did it stop being fun and start being scary?” –Sex and the City