
This is an edit to the previous post from today:

Yes I have done alot of dumb things in my life. I’ve been in car wrecks, locked myself out, lost things, made choices that didn’t always turn out the best, but what can I say about it all? I may call myself the family screw up, but I sure am a lucky one. I am thankful to say that I am blessed with a family that continues to support me no matter how many dumb things I do, I have guardian angels that should be paid overtime, and I have learned something from every move I’ve ever made. So instead of criticizing my stupidity, maybe I should embrace it. Everything happens for a reason and for some reason God has kept me here, still motivated and unharmed, even after everything I have done. I guess I get it from my Uncle Dana. For those of you that know him, I’m pretty sure his guardian angels are like the American gladiators.

Some call it luck, I call it grace. Whatever it is, I’ve got it. (Even though I’m not graceful. Haha!)

Love always,


“…the lowest ebb is the turn of the tide.” -Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

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