always dreaming…

Went to see the movie Inception last night. Let me just say, it took some analyzing and some thinking to get through that one, but I would love to sit down and have lunch with the writer of that movie. Absolutely incredible, and I’m definitely going to need to see it again to make sure that I put all the pieces together correctly.

Over all I had a very interesting night even after the movie was over. It rained, and for those of you from the Bootheel, you know that when it rains, it pours. Usually I’m out like a baby when the thunder rocks and rolls me to sleep, but last night was different. My brain definitely wasn’t ready to shut down and I’m not sure if it was due to the fact that I thought someone might infiltrate my dreams (doubtful, I don’t get persuaded that easily), or due to other things weighing on my mind, but either way I kept waking up about every hour. (Ok, so it could be to the fact that I was having to share my bed with an oversized dog because he is scared to death of storms.) Regardless of the culprit, I’m actually not that tired today, and the weather has cooled off thanks to the down pour so it’s a very nice day!

Through it all last night I couldn’t quit thinking about several quotes from the movie:

  1. “Never recreate from your memory. Always imagine new places.” – we shouldn’t live in the past because trust me, it turns out bad. (People like Mal will haunt you and your every dream.)
  2. “You mustn’t be afraid to dream a little bigger.” (as he pulls out a grenade launcher)- nuff said.
  3. “You’re waiting for a train; a train that will take you far away. You know where you hope this train will take you, but you can’t be sure.”- sometimes we have to take chances…you can’t get something you’ve never had without first doing something you’ve never done.
  4. “You keep telling yourself what you know. But what do you believe? What do you feel?”
  5. “Dare you take a leap of faith? Or become an old man, filled with regret, waiting to die alone.”
  6. “What’s the most resilient parasite? An Idea. A single idea from the human mind can build cities. An idea can transform the world and rewrite all the rules.” – I think this is very true. We have the power to do anything we want to. And ideas really are like parasites of the mind…once you get one, you can’t get rid of it. Idea’s that pop in your head continue to pop up until you do something to act on them. Crazy.

I love the depth and complexity of this movie. Mind boggling? Yes. But definitely worth the headache.

While I’m on the movie review, let me just say  that I appreciate the realism of Remember Me, but I personally was not a fan. I am a romanticist and I enjoy watching movies with a little “magic” in them. Though it’s not always practical, it’s an escape from the real world and reminds us for just a minute that miracles still happen and everything is possible. Gives me a chance to dream again. Not in this movie though. I wanted a good ending, this ending wasn’t magical, it was real. So for me, it wasn’t a “good” movie…it should have been listed under documentaries or something.

I just want to end this post by saying how regretful I am about Kendra Grey. I didn’t personally know her, but I know she will be missed by many. Always remember that the choices you make can influence other people’s lives forever. Even people that you didn’t even expect to touch. Think twice before acting.

Love always,


“You can’t live an undecided life.”

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