I’ll flip my hair back and forth…right after this last final

I can’t believe I have let things go this long without blogging! Shame on me…

Today is a sad day in the life of Addie because this is my last day in Starkville as a student of Mississippi State University. It has been an absolutely amazing semester that I will never forget. I have done all the typical things that most people do when they move to a new place: made new friends, had many fun and exciting adventures, scoped out the best resturants and shopping, learned which professors to stay away from, discovered good back roads and short cuts, and experienced the local culture to the fullest. However, one thing that came out of this journey that was completely unexpected was a progressive growth and transfomation of myself from the inside out. I feel like this trip has given me inner strength like I have never known before and encouraged me to begin to better understand myself to break down the walls that I have built up over the last year. I feel like I can finally see things in a clear sense and am no longer afraid to dive head first into my next untamed adventure. (Not to mention that Mckenzie has been working on my “lady skills” all semester and thanks to her I am now a better, more practiced cook, and though it’s still a work in progress, she’s slowly but surely teaching me how to be a “go getter” in terms of dating.) I know I haven’t seen it all, but regardless, I am sure that Mississippi truly is one of the most beautiful places on the face of the planet. I love the people, the atmosphere, the football, the food, and of course the warmer winter weather (which is one reason I dread the drive back to the Bootheel in about three hours…) I know that this is not “good-bye”, but rather just “for now” because no one could keep me away from this place that has brought so much unexpected joy in my life.

I have one more final to take in two hours and after that I will be Bootheel bound and then headed back to Murray after Christmas break. But I have already decided to come back and visit on as many weekends as my gas-money will allow me to. And after graduation in May, I will be headed back down here for good, or at least until something else catches my eye. Currently, grad school has my full attention, and it will no doubt be in the South. As much as I would like to return to Starkville for grad school, I can’t because they don’t offer a masters program in communications. But don’t think for a second that I’m not trying to get as close to this town as possible. I have already map quested every surrounding college in the area with a communications program, putting Bama at the top of my list as it is only a 45 minute drive from Starkvegas. Keep your fingers crossed for me!

The NFR is currently going on and as some of you may know, the students at Murray State sure know how to throw NFR parties! So, me being the avid rodeo and party lover that I am, I drove to Murray Saturday to partake in one of the eventful nights of the series. It was nice to catch up with old friends and enjoy the festivities once again. I also got to help little Abby cram all her things into her trailer before she headed West for a new life with Zack. I wish them both the best and plan to visit soon! Though Mississippi is absolutely amazing, there is something about Murary that just makes me feel at home. There’s an easy feeling that overcomes me everytime my wheels hit Paris, TN and makes everything alright. I love that place and it will always hold a special place in my heart. I am very excited about going back to Murray and finishing up and will definitely be sad to leave in May, however I feel like Murray is becoming more and more nostalgic to me, while Mississippi keeps calling my name louder and louder for a new beginning.

Fortunately I have yet to live in a place that I dislike, and am learning that I could probably be contenet where ever I land. As much as Katie hates for me to call anywhere but Sikeston home, it’s true that both Murray and Sikeston will always be homes to me, and it looks like Mississippi is definitely working it’s way up there too.

Funny thing happened the other day: I was driving back to Starkville after a long and crazy Thanksgiving break and began one of my conversations with God. As I was talking to him I noticed that the sun began to peek through the clouds and by the end of my prayer it was full-blown sunshine. Mind you that it had been overcast all morning. Coincidence? I think not.

Speaking of Thanksgiving break- what a crazy one it was! I can honestly say that this was by far the best holiday break ever. I don’t think I ever got to go to bed before 3am thanks to the wonderful time spent with long-lost friends and I even faced the dreaded Black Friday shopping spree with mom, which turned out to be quite amazing. Everyone knows that I am one of the biggest bargain shoppers ever, so this was right up my alley. While I don’t like big crowds when I am shopping, I found that not many people will try to push me around because, well lets face it, I’m typically a lot taller than most of them. Thankfully, I am finding new reasons to embrace my height each and every day. And did I mention the food….well I’m sure I didn’t have to because everyone knows that good food is a given on the one and only Turkey Day, but I just wanted to give it one more shout out.

Word of advice that I heard the other day: “Don’t retreat, just reload.”

Well I must be getting back to studying for my last, and worst final. I absolutely hate this class so I decided to take a break from my tedious efforts to do a little catching up on my blog, but now the clock is reminding me that I only have an hour and a half left to finish cramming. Did I mention that I hate this class?

Safe travels to everyone! I promise that I will write again…and it won’t take me so long between blogs next time since finals will finally be over! YAY!!!!  That thought alone makes me want to “flip my hair back and forth” (like the amazing 9-year old girl that has swept the nation with her hair flipping epidemic!) See you in the Bootheel!

Love always,


“I’m not good at long goodbyes but look down deep into my eyes, I was born free…” –Kid Rock