you’re welcome

I know I promised a “fashionable” and “fun” blog every Friday, but this one will have to be short and sweet. I’m in a hurry to get home because cousin Clay is bringing Monica down and this will be my first time ever meeting her!! Must clean house! Must cook dinner! Must shower….ugh.

So I guess you can see what my “fun” activities will consist of this weekend…going out with Alex, Clay, and Monica. Tonight we’re going to break the new house in with dinner and drinks and tomorrow night we’re gonna take the party down to Starkville for a night on the town! I’m excited to finally have a planned night of going out—it’s been a while…aka, I’m getting old.

Ps- I noticed this morning that I posted a farming blog yesterday…which was Thursday…not Tuesday. It’s been a long week. We’ll just count yesterdays for next Tuesday and call it even. Unless I have a burst of agricultural inspiration this weekend. (Which may very well happen with Clay and Alex being together for the entire weekend…I’m sure Monica and I will get our fill of “extremely important and exciting” information…just kidding. But seriously.)

I hope everyone has an amazing and SAFE Mardi Gras weekend. Wear purple and feathers like a drag queen, get FAT off a huge king cake, and enjoy yourself! Get some beads too (There, now you have permission. You’re welcome.)…but don’t tell them I told you to!

For the fashion part of this blog, I’ll offer a 40% off coupon to Hobby Lobby if anyone wants it. You can bet that I would love to use it for some décor in the new place but there’s no way I’m going to have time to get up to Tupelo before it expires tomorrow….let me know if you’re interested! Or just go to the website and print one off for yourself. You’re welcome.

In other fashion/design news, I’m off to the hardware store for possibly one of the only things that I didn’t have in my “handy-woman” drawer last night…a cord to hang a mirror. Shame on me. I’ll buy two.

Love always,


“Not taking the opportunity to party for any given event would be a defeat. Especially Mardi Gras.”