a purpose

Couldn’t even follow through for my first week of scheduled blogs. Shame, shame. But I don’t feel bad…I have been very busy. That’s how it goes, ya know? You make plans to do something and something else comes along. This is my life.

Last week was Fat Tuesday, the epitome of Mardi Gras, Ash Wednesday (no I didn’t get my ashes, and no I’m not Catholic if you’re wondering…I just like to celebrate Mardi Gras and give stuff up for Lent. Oh and drink wine…I gave up soda and sweet tea, in case you were wondering.) It was also the National Farm Machinery Show in Louisville, Valentine’s day, and the National Peanut Buying Point Associations annual meeting in New Orleans. I didn’t go to the farm show (I’m saving my money for the gin show in March instead), and didn’t go to the peanut meeting, though Brian and Misti did…and I made sure to remind her to scope out Channing Tatum’s restaurant, Saints and Sinners while she was there, and I spent Valentine’s day alone because my Valentine was in MY hometown. (In his defense, I got beautiful flowers sent to work and it’s only fitting for us to celebrate on February 15th because that’s the anniversary of the day we met.) You’re probably wondering why any of this is relevant to my “busy” week if I didn’t even participate in them…well they aren’t. But I just felt like throwing it all out there. The busy part came from an employee’s hand being smashed in a semi-trailer door at work, leading to surgery and post ops…which means paper work, paper work, and more paper work for me. I also was on the road literally every day last week…running work errands. And I played nurse for Alex, whom I drove to Meridian on Tuesday for his eye appointment. He has decided to get Lasik surgery so he had to go in for pre op, which means lots of dilation, drops, lights, and prodding into his eyes. He looked like a cartoon when he walked out of the room: eyes fully dilated, no color at all-just big black dots. So playing on the iPad on the trip home was quite a feat for him…tilting his head one way and angling the tablet the other way…it was quite amusing to say the least. Since I’m talking about road trips, I must also mention that we took a trip to Livingston last Sunday for Andrea’s birthday, where I ate my first ever, yes that’s right, first ever piece of King Cake. I’m becoming a true Southerner every day! Rainer got the baby…which was ironic since he was the one who stuck it in the cake in the first place. Weird how that works.

This weekend, while at home, I attended my cousins baby shower and am excited to announce that she has reached full term and baby Kason will be here before we know it! I am also unhappy to announce that there is such thing as “prego nose”. As if the thought of being pregnant isn’t scary enough, now we have to worry about our noses getting wider along with everything else on our body! Fingers crossed that won’t happen to me. Oh, and don’t worry Lauren, it doesn’t look that bad!

I also had the special privilege of visiting my new baby niece, Ginnie for the very first time! Though she is much small than I ever was, I think I can see a resemblance! Or maybe I’m just biased. Anyways, she’s basically the sweetest, most precious baby ever. Ever. Got it? I already can’t wait to get home and see her again. I know my brother will be such an amazing daddy and I can’t wait to see what the future has in store for them. What a blessing! God works in mysterious ways, sometimes we just have to sit back and enjoy!

Baby Ginny and Aunt Addie

Baby Ginny and Aunt Addie

In lieu of my farming theme for today, I will share one of many beautiful pictures that Alex has taken. No matter how hard or tiresome his days in the field are, he never ceases to take moments out to enjoy the beauty of God’s creation around and through us all. The true nature of agriculture is something that can only come from God: the rich soils, the sun and rain, the work ethic of those that provide for us all- it’s only by God. Let us be thankful.

Corn Harvest 2012

Corn Harvest 2012

And since I didn’t get to do my faith/funny from yesterday, I thought I would share this video. I may have cried a little when I watched it…it’s a little boy who called in to his local Christian radio station to share some very inspiring words.

I wish you all a very outstanding, productive, fun-filled, and blessed week.

Love always,


“You are only helpless when your nail polish is wet. Even then, you could pull a trigger if you had to.”

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