it’s chocolate bar…

You know those days when you feel like Alexander in his “terrible rotten no good day”? Well yesterday was that day for me. And unfortunately, it caused me to spoil a “surprise” from my own real life Alexander. I assumed he was dead in a ditch somewhere when I didn’t hear from him for hours while he was “on the road.” When I answered the strange knock at the door to find him standing in front of me, we were both a little surprised: me at him standing there, and him at my expression. His excited smile quickly faded and he realized that I didn’t like his surprise (though I was happy to see him even if I wasn’t able to express it at the time). Morals of this story: Alex isn’t the best at surprises (but I appreciate the gesture nonetheless), it’s perfectly understandable why my mother always presumed me to be dead every time I failed to answer the phone, never try to surprise a girl that’s had a terrible rotten no good day, and above all, try to fix your horrible rotten no good days before they’re over.

So tonight I’m attempting to make chicken and dumplins to make up for my lack of making supper last night.

Have you heard about Titanic II? Its maiden voyage is set for 2016. Let’s all buy tickets…I mean, what could possibly go wrong?!

Scientists have now decided to assess Spider Mans true web strength by testing whether or not silky strands could actually stop an oncoming train. Seriously? Do we have nothing better to do than argue with comic strips? Let’s leave this stuff to the Myth Busters and put our research to things of a little more importance…like cancer treatments, for example.

Dylan Siegel is a 6 year old superstar. His friend Jonah was diagnosed with a rare liver condition and Dylan wanted to help Jonah out by raising money to help with doctor bills. His parents suggested that he put up a lemonade stand, but Dylan had a better idea. He wanted to write a book, and he did just that! The book coined the phrase “chocolate bar” in place of “cool” and has currently raised over $25,000 for Jonah. Dylan’s new goal is to reach $1 million. Dream big, y’all!

Speaking of dreaming big, Dylan Moses is a 6’2”, 215 lb. football player that has been recruited by several top schools including LSU and Bama. Here’s the catch- Dylan is in eighth grade. Whoa. After hearing these two stories, I think I’ll name my first child Dylan. Seems to be synonymous with awesome people.

Since it’s Wednesday here’s your food for the day:
Thought this was pretty cool…and fitting since I have recently learned that the correct pronunciation is “care-uh-mul”…not “car-mul” as in the car that you drive…also as in the way that I have said it since birth. My bad…

Caramel Apples

Caramel Apples

Also, here’s the secret family recipe for the best and easiest peanut butter cookies ever:
Mix 1 cup peanut butter, 1 cup sugar, and one egg. Bake for 10-12 minutes or until the edges begin to brown on 350 degrees and voila! You can add oatmeal, honey, brown sugar, etc. But most times it’s easiest to stick with the basics.

If you’re in the Starkville area, stop by Rick’s tonight for the Josh Abbot concert. I have a feeling it will be well worth your time. I don’t think I will be attending, unfortunately thanks to low funds that are still being saved for the Gin Show this weekend. Only two more days!

Happy Hump Day!

Love always,


“Walk like you have three men walking behind you.” –Oscar de la Renta

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