every ending has a new beginning

Though I was an avid “xanga” member back in the day, the pivotal point of earning my driver’s license resulted in a completely different lifestyle where I no longer believed in the idea of spare time, eventually leading to the shutdown of my site. Last semester I was sitting in my living room, trying to come up with a suitable topic for a horticulture paper, when I found myself struggling to regain access to my old xanga page. I was quite the computer “wiz” during the xanga days, (or so I though) and somehow had developed my own layout for my page. Unfortunately, some of the ancient links I had used that once embellished my page, were now outdated and had thus locked my page from being opened. This led me to an entirely new challenge that seemed to be much more important than my pending class paper, which was just going to have to wait. I began going back through the old strategies that I once used to teach myself how to hack and tweak layouts and pages, and finally after an hour of sifting through technical jargon, I was able to read the “journal” that I began six years ago.

Skimming some of the old entries made me realize how much I have changed and grown since last being on the site, but made me appreciative that I still have a permanent, day-to-day journal from the “captivating” life my fourteen year old self.

We all know that most endings lead to new beginnings– the end of my xanga-ing did not lead to the “end” of the immortalization of my life via the net, thanks to my infatuation with facebook, which was a quick way for me to keep up with everyone else in my busy life, without having to make a daily entry. I have managed to stay up to date from high school until now, through photo albums, status changes, and wall-to-wall posts.

Fortunately, after owning a drivers license for several years, I have learned to balance my time, creating spaces that I can employee with what I like to refer to as “Addie-time.” Because I love to write, “Addie-time” began turning into time spent writing “notes” on facebook. While I am still obsessed with facebook (a.k.a. creepbook) and plan to continue with usage of the amazing network, I will no longer use the “notes” tab as my own personal journal.  Facebook was directed for social networkers, not writers.

Blogging sounds so cliché, but I guess I could always see myself doing something like this. My very own page, dedicated to all my rambling thoughts and atrocious ideas. Even if no one ever reads it, I can still sleep soundly at night, knowing that I somewhat publicized everything that was on my mind in an appropriate spot for them, and not in a section where most people post quizzes about themselves strictly for social purposes. Not to mention that I kinda like the fact that little parts of me will forever reign in cyberspace. (Creepy, I know.)

Ahhh, at last, I have found a proper outlet for my endeavors. Here they can either be despised or loved for what they are. But, no matter the result, instead of trying to fit into the socialites pages of the net, they finally have a place where they belong.

I guess that sums up why I have created this page, and thus ends the “introduction blog.” The first REAL blog is soon to come, so keep watching!

Love always,


“do what you love, love what you do….you’ll never work a day in your life.”