God bless my America

I have a hard time writing about America. Not because of my lack of love for this great nation, but more so because I don’t know exactly how to put how I feel into words. I do this with people I love also. I don’t always come off as appreciative or sympathetic or loving or sincere as I truly am because I am so afraid that what I will say can never come close to my actual feelings. I can tell you all day how much I “love” shopping and dove hunting and Pretty Little Liars and lattes and sleeping in, because I know those things don’t care if I think twice about them. I also love words, but they can never do justice for a truly heartfelt emotion like love.

I love God. I love my family and the way I was raised. I love my hometown. I love horses and the way they communicate with and soften my soul and how being around them has bonded my family. And I love my country. Though these are pretty obvious statements, that’s about as far as I can go with them. Anything less is not enough, but any more would still not justify them enough for me.

I hope that everyone genuinely appreciates the ones they truly love today. So many have sacrificed things they love for us to be able to do so. Let this day be a reminder for every. single. day. of just how blessed we are. Cling tight to your loved ones and thank God for them every day. Cling tight to your freedom, it’s only by it that we can chase our passions and dreams and the other things we “love.” Cling tight to the land that we live on which, God willing, provides us all we need and allows us to also meet the needs of others abroad. Cling tight to your right to voice your opinion and never ever think that you don’t matter. Cling tight to your neighbor, even those that you do not love, because together we are a strong and diversified nation. We can only prosper when we learn to be a united front. Divided we fall. The United States of America is not just a country or a big plot of land sandwiched between two others. America is her people and we represent her every day in what we say and do, in the way we carry ourselves, in what we post, in what we think, in what we believe.

Being American is not always about fighting and rebellion. It’s about standing up for the little man and doing what is right. It’s not about absolute power or being better than anyone else. It’s about allowing everyone the opportunity to use their strengths where others are weak, so that we all have the chance to flourish. It’s not about pushing your thoughts on other people and angering when they disagree. It’s about finding the joy in the idea that we can all have different opinions and still thrive under one diversified governing body. It’s not about political warfare and self-defense and birth rights. It’s about understanding that we are a fallen creation that is going to face dark times and hard questions, but knowing we can get through them.

And to me, being American is owning a gun for defense, not offense. And speaking of defense, my America is about football. And the marching band. My America is going to church and believing. Believing. My America is driving to the grocery store on Sunday and waiting in line at the checkout. It’s choosing where you want to go to college. It’s a funny movie. It’s fashion trends and diet fads and apple pie moonshine. It’s freedom of expression and parents who teach their children respect- how to earn it and how to show it. It’s getting what you work for, not what you think you’re entitled to. And it’s never about settling for less that you deserve. It is chasing dreams and opportunity. Opportunity. And it doesn’t get any better.

I hope today you remember what threatened this country 12 years ago on this day. And I hope you are grateful to still call it yours. I hope you also keep everything you love in mind when considering our current situations at home and abroad. And most of all, I hope you love America like I do. But I hope you can say it much better than I.

Love always,


“The American Dream is that dream of a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement. It is a difficult dream for the European upper classes to interpret adequately, and too many of us ourselves have grown weary and mistrustful of it. It is not a dream of motor cars and high wages merely, but a dream of social order in which each man and each woman shall be able to attain to the fullest stature of which they are innately capable, and be recognized by others for what they are, regardless of the fortuitous circumstances of birth or position.” – James Truslow Adams, The Epic of America

“It is the soldier, not the reporter, who has given us freedom of the press. It is the soldier, not the poet, who has given us freedom of speech. It is the soldier, not the organizer, who gave us the freedom to demonstrate. It is the soldier, who salutes the flag, who serves beneath the flag. And whose coffin is draped by the flag, who allows the protester to burn the flag.” –Father Dennis Edward O’Brien, USMC

“Part of the American dream is to live long and die young. Only those Americans who are willing to die for their country are fit to live.” –Douglas MacArthur

bucket list

I really like the vodka commercial with Hugh Hefner that asks the question: “would you have a drink with yourself?” For me, when I think about what I would tell a complete stranger about myself, I draw a blank. I was the head cheerleader when our squad won the first ever back to back state championship for my high school, I have flipped a car and walked away with simply a scratched up elbow, I have been bungee jumping once at a fair, the doctor thought I had the “bird flu” when I was a sophomore in high school (he was wrong), I climbed a mountain in Wyoming and Mt. St. Helen in Washington, and last spring I stood a whole three feet from the one and only, Corona Cartel. Up until this point, my life has been pretty boring. Though I am proud of some of the things that I have done and thankful for all of the opportunities that I have been given, I’m pretty sure that anyone else would not think of my life as being anything out of the ordinary.

This puts me in a very troubled state of mind. I don’t want to be a boring person! I have always seen myself as a risk taker, an adventurer, someone who thinks outside the box and doesn’t follow the crowd– but I have absolutely nothing to show for it. I have all these big plans for what I want to do, but I have not taken any measures to accomplish any of those goals yet. I didn’t think I would ever say this, but I honestly think that a vodka commercial has changed me. I could sit and have a drink with the person that I see myself as thirty years from now, but my bucket list is long, and if I don’t get started on it soon, I’ll never finish it, leading me to believe that I will be a boring person from now on. I can hear Ms. Throop’s famous words echoing in the back of my head: “Just do it! When else are you gonna try it? When you’re thirty? Oh please.”

Ms. Throop was always a good motivationalist-(Yes, I’m pretty sure I just made that word up, but just go with it.) If you tell her your plans, you’d better believe that she’s going to be on you about it until you get them done. As she says, “you can’t wait until you’re thirty” to start crossing things off your list because by then your plans have changed and everything becomes a long lost dream. A “if only I would have…”

So I thought the best way to get started would be to materialize the bucket list that is currently building up in my head. That way I can begin to make plans and actually cross off the things that I have always dreamt of doing. Obviously it’s hard to do some things while I’m going to school, but it’s going to be even harder once I have a real job and eventually a family, which is why I plan to become a “gypsy.” In case you haven’t had the pleasure to hear about my idea to become a gypsy, here it is in a nutshell: After I graduate I want to take a year or two to simply travel the world and try new things that I have never done before. I can pick up odd jobs wherever I land to make enough money to get me to my next destination. It would give me a chance to chase my dreams before becoming a full time employee or wife. If the gypsy life interests you, please join me! First stop in the gypsy life: Ireland with Mamie. (It’s been a long time coming.)

In the mean time, I’m going to work on prioritizing so that I have enough time for all the endeavors on my list. Here’s to the future! (And having a drink with myself…as someone who I would actually want to listen to.)

Addie’s Bucket List  (I’m going to literally cross them off and write the date they were finished as they occur, so check back to see how it’s coming along!)

  1. Skydiving
  2. Mission trip to Africa
  3. Hotdog eating contest
  4. Scuba dive around the Great Barrier Reef
  5. Swim with the turtles in the Galapagos Islands
  6. Sit on a hill in Ireland and drink tea (with Mamie right after we graduate)
  7. Amsterdam, though I don’t plan on staying long
  8. Mardi Gras
  9. Cowboy Downhill
  10. Rome/Vatican (typical, but I want to see the paintings I studied in art last semester and all the references from the Da Vinci Code)
  11. Watch the Running of the Bulls and participate in the La Tomatina in Spain
  12. Surf
  13. Dog Sled
  14. Antartica (simply because, “who would want to go there?!”)
  15. Learn to play REAL golf, not mini golf
  16. Zorbing
  17. Salsa Dance
  18. Oktoberfest in Germany
  19. Brazilian Carnival
  20. Conquer Rt. 66
  21. Ride a Gondola in Venice
  22. Kentucky Derby (plans for 2011)
  23. NFR (plans for 2010)
  24. Wear a Cards shirt to a random Cubs game in Wriggley…thanks Chase for the idea
  25. Send a message in a bottle
  26. Visit Folsom Prison

Love always,


“If you’re not living on the edge, you’re taking up too much space.” -Nickleback