let the good times roll

In about twenty minutes I’ll be leaving the office for the weekend, so I might as well do something productive while I’m here. Fridays are typically more upbeat than this, but today I haven’t had much to do, which doesn’t help the fact that I’m about to pass out. I think I might make a quick trip to the break room to guzzle down the left over morning coffee for a quick pick-me-up.

I have got to stop procrastinating. This week I have run myself ragged trying to catch up on everything before I leave this afternoon, and am still behind. (In my defense, my “productive plans” were put on hold for some long over due friend time.) Fortunately, I will be at the lake tonight, and the forcast for the rest of the weekend has “relax” written all over it. (With high percentages of partying throughout the weekend.)

Though I didn’t get all my tasks done, I did manage to get in a few unimportant things done, big surprise there. I got my nails done, went on an outrageous shopping spree that I don’t even feel guilty about (yet), rode almost every ride in Six Flags, emailed whom I thought was my roommate for next semester (turns out it was the wrong person), and contemplated piercing my nose. Wow, obviously the pre-August “start being a little more responsible so you’re ready when school starts again” mode is not functioning yet.

I still need to change my oil, get my hair cut, get my horse back in shape, move furniture out of my house at Murray, and start that diet that I meant to start…last year.

Oh well, it will all get done in due time, (hopefully before rodeo week!)

It’s about time for me to head out the door, so I hope everyone has a good weekend like I’m about to! Thanks for reading….love you all! Until next time, go out and buy yourself something nice, trust me, it feels pretty good! After that, sit back with a little umbrella in your drink and let the good times roll.

Love always,


“Barmaid, play me some Buffet,  I’m in a mood to get away
So Pour me a vacation, I need to leave here right away
I got to get out by the ocean, if its all in my mind
Take me out to paradise only for tonight
I can leave it all behind.” -Great Divide