getting old. seriously, cereal-ly.

Well we didn’t make it to the ruins this weekend on our adventure. We vowed that we would go if we got up and on the road by 8am. And those of you that know me know exactly why this plan didn’t work. A bottle of wine while making these plans meant that I slept til 9ish instead. Oops. So we quenched our adventure bone with a scenic drive down to the Carrollton, AL “haunted” courthouse. And yes, we did see the face in the window! Here’s the story behind the face:

Story of the face

Story of the face

The story that I was told (pre-visit to see the face) was that Wells was held in the garret (very top room) of the building because the jail house was full on that particular night. I was also told that the lightning strike killed Wells and his face is forever etched in the window by his “ghost” to prove his innocence.

Not sure about the validity of any of it, but there is definitely something weird in that window. The glass has been replaced several times under the witness of very public audiences, but the face continues to re-appear. I didn’t get a picture but I found one that looks just like what I saw with my own eyes. (It’s hard to miss thanks to the arrow sign that someone has hung on the old building.) No one is allowed in the courthouse currently because it is under renovation.

The face! Ahhh!

The face! Ahhh!

We also did some research on other haunted attractions in the area and learned of a very scary “3-Legged Lady Road” in Columbus. Legend has it that if you “entice” her, a lady with three legs will come running at your car and the goal is to beat her across the bridge at the end of the road. She will beat on your car and try to run you off the road, where she will then kill you. Some people have even reported dents in their vehicles after the happening. We decided that if a lady ran at us, we would have to run her over- which could have bad results if it turned out to not be the 3-legged lady- so we opted out of that particular “ghost hunt.”

Yesterday, the entire day was devoted to trying to make a house a home. Hanging pictures, assembling closet fixtures, folding and re-folding clothes, finding a spot for everything, and even a little carpentry work were the main honey-do’s that were crossed off at the end of the day- right before ordering take out and crashing in front of the TV. I’m pretty sure this is what getting old feels like…

And finally, we meet Monday again. This Monday welcomed me with a sore back and no coffee left in the pot by the time I made it in to work. Geeze. Fortunately, I received my birthday month discount card from Anthropologie in the mail, easing the pain a little bit. I also ran across this bible verse that reminded me of my sweet sorority sisters and our amazing  values that we continuously strive for…meaning that no matter how stinky my day starts off, I should always keep my thoughts on God and how He wants me to react:

1 Peter 3:10-12 “For whoever would LOVE LIFE and see GOOD DAYS must keep his tongue from evil and his lips from deceitful speech. He must turn from evil and do good; he must SEEK PEACE and PURSUE it. For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and His ears are attentive to their prayer, but the face of the Lord is against those who do evil.

And in case you need a laugh, here’s a few that might do the trick:

Morning People...ehh

Morning People…ehh

Chemistry jokes get me every time...

Chemistry jokes get me every time…

woudn't it...?

woudn’t it…?

Happy Monday! Don’t let a bad moment make a bad day, or a bad day make a bad week.

Love always,


“If each day is a gift, I’d like to know where I can return Mondays.” -Unknown